Aam Pora Shorbat | Bengali style Aam Panna | Mango Sharbat
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Drinks
Cuisine: Bengali
Serves: 5-6 glass
  • Mango: 2, large
  • Sugar: ⅓ cup
  • Black Salt: ¼ tsp
  • Bhaja Masala (Roasted Spice Mix): ½ tsp + more for serving (If using any)
  • Chilled Water: 3-4 glass
  • Ice cubes, if required
  1. Prick few holes on all over the skin on mangoes with help of fork. It will help to achieve extra smoky flavour.
  2. Char/grill the mangoes on direct flame. Rotate mangoes time to time for even cooking.
  3. Bring charred mangoes to room temperature, then peel skin off.
  4. Extract the soft mango pulp as much possible and discard seeds.
  5. Take mango pulp and rest of the ingredients (except ice cubes)in a food processor and blend for 3-5 mins. Aam Pora Sharbat is ready.
  6. Arrange ice cubes in glasses and pour Aam Pora Sorbot in them. Sprinkle more Bhaja Masala on top and serve chilled. Enjoy!
Recipe by Scratching Canvas at https://www.scratchingcanvas.com/aam-pora-shorbot-bengali-aam-panna/