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  1. Scratching Canvas says

    First of all thank you very much. Now coming back to your queries.
    1. I'm afraid this recipe needs more time than 1 hr. You can use either homemade khoya or store brought one. Both will be appropriate for this recipe. There are few procedure of making khoya at home which I had described in the blog already.
    Khoya recipe: http://scratchingcanvas.blogspot.in/2012/11/How-to-Prepare-Khoya-or-Mawa-at-home-An-Indian-Dessert-Delight.html

    2. Rose essence is not compulsory. Vanilla essence or any other essence will also work fine.
    Now, lastly but most importantly Do Try This Recipe at home before you perform at school.

  2. Mannylinn says

    Thank you! And one more thing: can I use turmeric in stead of saffron threads? Because I don't think we'll afford saffron threads for this school project.

  3. Scratching Canvas says

    Hii Mannylinn, again I'm afraid turmeric can't be a substitute of saffron. Turmeric has it's own flavor which is strong enough to destroy any preparation if handled in a wrong way. This preparation is a dessert item and turmeric is strictly for savory cooking. But you can definitely use any edible yellow food color instead of saffron. Even you can choose your favorite color for it. If you can't find any edible color around your place just leave the dough as it is. The dough will have a very pale yellow colored shade naturally. My hearty best wishes for your school project 🙂

  4. Anonymous says

    Love the way, the recipe has been explained and the pictures add to the whole experience.

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